Monthly Highlights
Below are photos and a story from the recent month's guided fly fishing trips.
March 2012
Roland and Joseph are other returning clients this year for a 10 day stint in the Mackenzie region. Good weather was the key to a successful stay and plenty of fish.
While France was in the grip of a polar blast from the north pole the 2 anglers enjoyed typical warm summer weather in godzone! By a stroke of luck the cold snap back home ended the day before their return flight departed NZ!
Mostly nymph fishing but also a fair smattering of cicada and mayfly surface activity was the lot for my guests.
Our accommodation unit, reserved for guided clients, has proved to be very popular this year allowing more flexibility with daily start and return times.
At the end of the day it is nice to sit down together and have a "cold one" without having to drive elsewhere to drop clients off in a motel or lodge.
The big screen TV in the unit allows anglers to view their day's catches by way of a USB connection.
Being self contained guests also have the option of catering for themselves if they so wish.